celebrity, home, lifestyle

Target’s New Design Hero: Nate Berkus

Nate Berkus for Target

Target has tapped into the home design talents of Nate Berkus, who on October 21st unveiled a collection of over 100 pieces in home furnishings and accessories exclusively for the mass-market retailer.  Nate was first disovered by Oprah when she picked him up for home segments with “The Oprah Winfrey Show.”  From there his career took off with his own show “The Nate Berkus Show,” books and overall celebrity within the burgeoning world of home improvement and interior design.  In a recent New York Times article Nate says he is a fan of the mass market and enjoys finding something beautiful at a great price.  Me too!  With my nesting instincts kicking in for baby #2 I’m looking forward to shopping the latest collection at my local Target.

Nate Berkus for Target


beauty, celebrity, entertainment, pop culture

Brad Pitt Talks Dirty (To A Perfume)

Brad Pitt & Chanel No. 5

Iconic fragrance Chanel No. 5 is placing its bets on a man to represent its world-renowned scent. Brad Pitt will be the first male to represent the fragrance in its Fall 2012 advertising campaign. A commerical will begin airing October 15 and print ads will be seen in November magazines. Apparently Brad talks seductively to someone(thing) off camera and we soon realize its none other than Ms. Chanel No. 5. A man pitching a woman’s fragrance? With a movie star as big as Brad (not to mention hot) I say yes!

fashion, trends

Is That Bracelet A Flask? Why Yes It Is

Cynthia Rowley Flask Bracelet

Cynthia Rowley’s Spring 2013 runway presentation had a little secret.  The bangles on those models was more than just an accessory:  they were a drink dispenser too.  What sweet young lady wearing a Cynthia Rowley pastel dress from the Spring 2013 line doesn’t need a little pick me up at the horse races or garden party?  This rebel-in-disguise detail at Ms. Rowley’s fashion show was a great addition.  What a fun bridesmaid gift!

Cynthia Rowley Spring 2013